Autumn 2019
Autumn 2019
MATH 124, CHEM 142, BIOL 270, HONORS 100
Notable Classes
This is one of the assignments I did for BIOL 270, a class known as "Calling Bullshit." The title is quite fitting, as the entire course focuses on how to recognize and refute bullshit. For this particular assignment, we were asked to make a creative inventory of all the bullshit we produced or were exposed to over a week. I wanted to make mine similar to the mood tracker I have in my bullet journal and this was the outcome. Overall, the class challenged me to question whether everything I hear or not is true and it has made me more conscious of the information I say and consume every day.

On the left is a short collection of some of the most entertaining slides I've seen in lecture.
Slide 1: Never Been Kissed
A study that investigated college students' kissing status sparked our discussion of whether high self-esteem leads to being kissed.
Slide 2: Survival Bias
Great example of how companies can use a form of bias to attract an audience but in this case, it doesn't exactly work.
Slide 3: ASSHOLE
An unfortunate outcome of predatory publishing; the name of the journal flashes a lot of red signs.
Slide 4: Drowning vs. Nicolas Cage
This is an example of data dredging, where a pattern is attempted to be found when in reality the two variables have no association with each other.
This is the "Who Are You" assignment for HONORS 100. I liked how we were encouraged to self-reflect throughout the course and that's what made me most excited about making this portfolio. I want to use this platform to think about successes and failures, remember fun and unique experiences, and make clear goals for the future. By the end of my four years here, I'm hoping that the Honors program will have helped me better answer the question of "Who are you?" but if I don't have an exact answer, that's okay, too because I know that my response to this question will continue to evolve.