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Summer 2021 Reflection
Summer 2021 Reflection


  • I successfully finished the organic chemistry sequence. I remember how nervous I was about taking o-chem but this subject has shown me that I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it. With a strong finish to the sequence, I've become more confident in my studying and exam-taking skills, which will serve me well as I begin learning physics next quarter.

  • I completed my first Experiential Learning activityOnce I submit the reflection for my leadership activity in the fall, I'll be done with the Experiential Learning requirement!

  • 매일 한국어 공부했어요. It's been almost a year since I began my Korean learning journey but this quarter was the first time I committed to a study schedule. I spent every morning taking typing tests, going through vocabulary flashcards, reading a short story, listening to a podcast, or working on a grammar lesson, all of which I plan to continue doing. 


  • I experienced burnout. Maybe because it was summer quarter where everything is fast-paced, maybe it was because it's (hopefully) my last quarter online. Whatever the reason was, it was difficult to stay motivated but by taking frequent breaks and practicing self-care, I was able to make it to the end.

  • Dieting is hard. With a desire to eat healthier, I created a 7-day meal plan. In spite of the meal variety, I realized this wasn't the healthy eating style I had imagined. However, I did learn a lot about what kind of foods are right for me so this is something I will be considering if I try making a meal plan again in the future.


  • Declare my major. I will be applying to the MCD Biology and Neuroscience majors in the fall and although my goal has always been the latter, I'm looking forward to furthering my studies in whichever major I end up choosing.

  • Launch the Honors Peer Mentoring Program. I've worked hard with our mentorship committee and Honors advisers for the past five months to prepare for this program and we're eagerly anticipating the outcome in the fall.

  • Adjust to living on campus again. After spending most of my freshman year and all of sophomore year at home, I'm excited to be living in an apartment next year and make the most out of the on-campus experience.

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