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Spring 2023
Spring 2023


BIOL 305, NEUSCI 499


NEUSCI 404 was on neuropharmacology. We learned about how drugs affect the brain and how they can be used to treat diseases or abused in addiction. The best part of this class was that our exams were open-note so that took off a lot of stress in our last quarter. Now, after six courses, two lab sections, and countless nights writing lab reports and studying for exams, I'm thrilled to say that I graduated from the Neuroscience Program! Although I won't be pursuing neuroscience in graduate school, I'm excited to see how I can continue to apply my education in other ways.

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BIOL 305

When I was registering last quarter, I was amazed to see that the Biology department had a class on science communication and that it was taught by a world-renowned penguin researcher. With the wildlife footage our professor has captured around the globe, we made a PSA, a natural history film, and a final project of our choice. I chose to make all of my videos about penguins and learned how to use AI to make voiceovers, balance music with natural sound, and present strong messages and stories. 


Throughout the completion of my thesis, I developed an interest in digital health, honed my data analysis skills, and channeled my passion for science communication. More importantly, my research journey was made possible with the support of the following individuals and organizations.


First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my mentor, Tonya Palermo. Your invaluable expertise, dedication to mentorship, and insightful feedback shaped the direction of my work and rekindled my love for research. I am also grateful to Emily Law for guiding my contributions to the WebMAP Mobile cultural adaptation project. I learned so much from our collaboration and I am excited that much of it is presented in this thesis. A special thank you to Kristen Daniels for supporting me in navigating statistical analyses. Your willingness to answer my questions and provide clear explanations was immensely helpful in interpreting the data.


Additionally, the support from my university was instrumental in my research journey. I would like to recognize my faculty reader, Martha Bosma, and my adviser, Thomas Freng. Your encouragement and guidance have been a constant source of motivation and I am grateful for how you have fostered a culture of community and growth in our Neuroscience Program. I am also thankful for Sophie Pierszalowski of the Undergraduate Research Program. Your amazing mentorship was invaluable within and beyond my research experience. Furthermore, my research was generously supported by the Scan Design Foundation, UW Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, the Mary Gates Endowment for Students, and the Thomas Sedlock Icon Endowment. Their investments in my research have not only given me the financial feasibility to dedicate more time to my research, but have also affirmed the significance and value of my work.


Finally, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my family. Thank you for your unconditional support and continued interest in my research—I owe my success to you.

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